Constructed in three very delicate clay skins joined together atop a loose newspaper armature then removed once it was leather hard. This piece will soon be adapted to include silverware on the platter stemming outward from the center of the circular plate. After constructing the loose shape of the head, I modeled the nose more intentionally. After the piece dried to leather hard quality, I rolled the back of a spoon over the surface of the nose and edges of the eyes to offer a smooth surface that was amplified after firing. This was the first clay figure I used the raku process to color the clay. (Raku is the process of setting hot clay in a container with combustibles. In this case, I used leaf litter and sawdust in a home-made pit kiln to give the clay body its “burnt” quality.)
W 13″
D 14″
H 20″
Unique Ceramic Construction: $2800